Midge Walkers

Walk  No. 47

Woodplumpton    24/02/13

The last walk we did was from the Plough at Eaves. Its postal address is Cuddy Hill where the Battle of Cuddy Hill was fought in 1546 between the Tudors and Scots.

A century later the pub was a refuge for both Royalists and Cromwellian troops during the battle of Preston. The landlord had a double-sided picture of Cromwell and Charles 1 which he turned depending on the flow of the tide of battle.

We travelled alongside the Lancaster Canal through Woodplumpton and saw the village stocks outside St Annes Church where Meg Shelton, the Fylde witch, is buried - curiously head first with a boulder on top to stop her getting out!

On through some farm yards and followed New Mill Brook back to the Plough. We enjoyed a coffee in the pub before dashing off to the Chapel Evening Service with Phil Gough. Brilliant you should give it a go.

Everybody is welcome to join us and if you would like more detail (or to be included on my circulation list) contact me on rvswarbrick@hotmail.com


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