Midge Walkers

Walk No.  163

Woodland Ramble in Leyland 22-01-23

Way back in November of 2017 we undertook a walk celebrating the Church’s 150 th Anniversary which was very much based on the route we are taking today. Parking at the Leyland Warriors car park on Moss Side Way, 23 enthusiasts, which included two new participants, Olivia and her mum, all suitably dressed against the prevailing 3 degrees temperature, set off at 1.55 pm along the road, turning through a kissing gate after 200 yards into Malt Kiln Wood and the rear of properties off Slater Lane. Emerging through another kissing gate we crossed Ulnes Walton Lane into further woodland, passing a small pond on route to arrive at Pump House Lane where we turned right leading into Nixon Lane.

After ¼ mile we turned left through another kissing gate to enter an open grassed area and proceeded towards a fork in the path. Taking the right branch led us to skirt between the properties to the 2nd junction where we turned left to cross Fernleigh and take a path down the side of no 14 to emerge onto Avocet Court. Following this to its end led us into Pintail Close and on to Dunkirk Lane where we turned right and then left into Longmeanygate. Passing “The Laund” on the right, we went through the next kissing gate to enter Paradise Park and follow the path keeping the properties to our right until reaching a branch where we took the left fork. An incline upwards caused us to pass a pond and a little further another gate exited us onto Paradise Lane.

On the other side of the lane, another path through an area of Hocking Wood, skirting the perimeter of the industrial area, brought us out at the by-pass and roundabout adjacent to where the Berry’s Horse and Cart are situated. Crossing Schleswig Way and following across the newly laid pathways, brought us to the track along-side the River Lostock,where after turning right and finding a bench, we stopped for a short period to enjoy refreshments.

Continuing the route along the river bank and through Hocking Wood brought us to the junction with the B5253 and Dunkirk Lane. Crossing the road and resuming our route along the path at the side of the riverbank brought us to the Slater Lane junction. Crossing Slater Lane and then the dual carriageway we re-entered the woodland to the left of the river and followed the path with the river now on our right. A concrete bridge linked us from one area to the next and after following a path around the field perimeter, a substantial bridge over the river allowed us to cross to a path leading us through a tree lined route around the playing fields back to our starting point.

The 4.5 mile route had taken us 2 hours and we had been supported with numbers beyond our expectations for which the organisers were exceedingly grateful. Once again it had given the opportunity to get out into the great outdoors, get some exercise and mix with like-minded people and generally enjoy yourselves.

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